"There’s something about love that builds up and is creative. There is something about hate that tears down and is destructive." —Martin Luther King Jr
"It is this: that love has within it a redemptive power. And there is a power there that eventually transforms individuals. Just keep being friendly to that person. Just keep loving them, and they can’t stand it too long. Oh, they react in many ways in the beginning. They react with guilt feelings, and sometimes they’ll hate you a little more at that transition period, but just keep loving them. And by the power of your love they will break down under the load. That’s love, you see." —Martin Luther King Jr
During the period of childhood, everyone has been asked "what would you want to be when you grow up?" I have never actually answer this question truthfully or proudly or even not knowing what to say. Some kids will go on and mumble about being a doctor, a fireman, a pilot, e.t.c. For me, September 3rd 2010, at the age of 24, I can now answer everyone that I want to be a "colorist" when I grow up.
new job as a post-producer at the post bangkok. no experience for a new learning experience. second day of the job, stuck in VTR room to observe the working of others. nothing to actually do, so kind of bored. But everyone says, it's a working factory here, the sign-out time will most likely be in the moring :S
Behind the scenes of Thaitanium's newest single. Both Bee and me have worked on documenting the artist's progress through their newest album. This is one part of their making of their newest music video.
directed by chucheep chaipoon
rotoscoping by chucheep chaipoon
videographed by panata ditsuvankul
edited by panata ditsuvankul
music directed by angkhachat ditsuvankul
the travelling of a firefly - การเดินทางของหิ่งห้อย
directed by songyot sukmakanan
edited by panata ditsuvankul
computer generated graphics by panata ditsuvankul
This project is part of a project named “Nothing to Say”. I have conveyed the current situation of Thai politics into the form of a video.“Nothing to Say” is a special project from 53 various artists.They will present their silent video about societies and politics to reflect the present cercumstances in Thailand. The video will be screened simultaneously with the concert of Anti Ceptic(ex-Soundlanding), Stylish Nonsense, Bear Garden,Fong Fodd(the lead vocal is the actor Teeradanai Suwanahom) and Assajan Jakawan The project is collaborated by Pridi Banomyong Institute and Thai Film Foundation.
Directed by
Panata Ditsuvankul
Videographed by
Panata Ditsuvankul
Edited by
Panata Ditsuvankul
Lighting by
Angkhachat Ditsuvankul
I have created this title using the combination of adobe after effects and cinema 4d to produce this overall effect. this title has been created for a short film titled "six o'clock"
“iamathaigraphicdesigner” for this project, i have used visuals to express the sounding of “i am a thai graphic designer”. The mouth itself is speaking out the word, the dots below the words are the representation of each syllable. It was as if I was trying to scream out the word, but as a graphic designer, i am censored to communicate with sound, the pixelation of the mouth is where all the blockage is.